Courage to be our Whole Selves


Persistent worry and fear.

 “Just get over it.”

“Don’t let it bother you so much.” 

“Stop worrying about it.”

“It’s not that big of a deal.” 

“Calm down.” 

If only it was that easy! Usually by the time people seek out counseling, they’ve tried a number of things to control and reduce worry. Sometimes we find something that stops it for the moment, but it often comes back. Nothing seems to work. 

Some anxiety is natural, like giving a presentation, an unexpected turn of events, a new medical diagnosis, or going on a first date. Anxiety becomes a problem when it starts to interfere with your day to day functioning. Maybe you feel overwhelmed all the time. Maybe you’re tired of trying to be perfect. Maybe anxiety is stealing your energy and you just want to stay in bed. Maybe your mind is just too loud. Regardless of how it presents, anxiety is stealing your joy and confidence. 

Symptoms of Anxiety

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  • Physical symptoms such as stomach aches, headaches, fast heartbeat, or extra “energy” in the body. 

  • Thoughts that won’t shut off or race around your mind. 

  • Increased annoyance or irritation.

  • Isolation.

  • Worrying excessively about what others think of us.

  • A hard time concentrating or making decisions. 

  • Always on guard for something bad to happen. 

  • Trouble relaxing or turning off your mind. 

  • Trouble falling asleep or waking up in the middle of the night. Anxiety dreams. 

  • Feeling restless or fidgeting more.

  • Trying to problem solve all the time. 

  • Feeling overwhelmed more often than not. 

Social Anxiety

That fear that you’re being evaluated and judged negativity. You just want to hide or avoid situations. You’re always scanning your environment to minimize the risk of embarrassment. Sometimes you miss out on what you really want to do or trying something new. You just want to be comfortable in your relationships and places.

Anxiety Experienced in Pregnancy

You’re pregnant! But it’s not quite what you thought. Your brain is telling you everything that could go wrong or that you need to look out for. You feel like you can’t experience the joy in pregnancy like others are able to. Maybe you did everything right, but there are still complications. Whatever the case, you are always on edge. If this is what pregnancy is like, you worry what it will be like once the baby arrives!

There’s hope!

Anxiety is a thief and a liar. It takes our joy and paints a negative picture of ourselves and our future. There is hope! Whole Self Counseling offers a number of evidence-based tools and tricks to help you reduce the symptoms of and manage anxiety. We look at some of the roots of your anxiety and help you get back to the life you want.