Courage to be our Whole Selves

Life Transitions

Now What?

 Life Transitions 

There’s no road map to life. We’re all trying to do the best that we can. With any change, we can experience a range of emotions. Even with things that we want or are looking forward to, it’s not uncommon to experience some stress. 

Life Transitions often bring on a new role or set of responsibilities; new parent, new partner, new homeowner. Life Transitions can also signal change or loss; moving, a breakup, or a change in physical functioning. It can be hard to navigate the mixed emotions that can come when our lives change. Life Transitions can include any of the following:

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  • Accidents that impact our functioning

  • Becoming a step-parent

  • Buying a house

  • Break ups or divorce

  • Career change (wanted or unwanted)

  • Change in faith or spirituality

  • Coming out

  • Faith deconstruction/reconstruction

  • Getting married

  • Leaving for college

  • Moving to a new place

  • Pregnancy and/or having a child

  • Retirement

  • Selling a house

  • Serious illness

  • Significant loss (of a person, job, pet, or anything important)

  • Starting a career

Life changes challenge us to reflect on our identity.  It’s not uncommon to experience some elements of shame in these transitions about who we should be, what we should be, or how we should be. Counseling can help normalize that these feelings are common. These are often opportunities for self reflection and growth. 

Questions to consider during a Life Transition

  • What is the loss in this Life Transition?

  • What, if anything, do I gain from this Life Transition?

  • How does this Life Transition impact my identity?

  • What feelings come up about this Life Transition?

  • What thoughts come up about this Life Transition?

  • Am I coping better, worse, or the same during this Life Transition?

Whole Self Counseling can help you navigate through transitions that have already or are occurring now. We can also help you explore and problem solve through anticipated changes.