Courage to be our Whole Selves

Brainspotting Intensive

Deeper Healing in Less Time

You’re going through it…

It’s been a while since you’ve felt like yourself. There’s something that just seems stuck and you can’t quite figure out how to shift it.  You’re struggling to just “move on,” to be happy and feel whole again. 

There are these thoughts that seem to come up automatically; past experiences, old programming, and negative self-talk. You suspect they are getting in the way of your well-being, relationships, and the life you truly want to live. They bring grief, anxiety, and numbness, and are wreaking havoc on how you feel about yourself. 

Not to mention these behavioral patterns that just won’t go away. The shutting down, numbing out, or busts of anger. You’re trying to change, but it doesn’t seem to be making a difference no matter how hard you’ve tried. 

And you’ve tried. No amount of traditional talk therapy, affirmations, or prayer seems to be shifting this stuckness, and you’re starting to wonder if this is how it’s going to be…for the rest of your life. 

It’s possible to find wholeness within yourself again. A Brainspotting Therapy Intensive can help.

What is a Brainspotting Therapy Intensive?

Brainspotting, a potent form of therapy, taps into your brain and body's natural healing abilities. By focusing on specific eye spots, it targets core issues, guiding you through obstacles to uncover hidden truths. Embarking on a Brainspotting Intensive offers a unique chance to delve deep into your concerns without time constraints. Learn more about Brainspotting therapy here.

Extended Exploration

Break free from time constraints, with 3 to 4.5 hours per session to thoroughly address trauma, anxiety, depression, or other adverse experiences.

Faster Healing

Sidestep the typical months or years in weekly therapy with a cost-effective, efficient, and focused approach.

Focused Treatment Goals

Tailored plans prioritize a concentrated approach to your specific challenges, eliminating the need to rush through sensitive topics.


While the upfront cost may seem high, the efficiency of Intensives saves you time and money compared to prolonged therapy.

Complementary to Talk Therapy

Enhance your overall therapy experience by processing more at once, providing a quicker path to transformative results.

Weekend Appointments

Quick access to appointments removes the waitlist hurdle, expediting your healing journey without disrupting your work schedule.

Choose Brainspotting Intensives for accelerated healing – because your journey to feeling better shouldn't wait.

What can a Brainspotting Therapy Intensive help with?

  • All forms of trauma or emotionally charged experiences 

  • Anxiety

  • Anger management

  • Grief

  • Depression

  • Relationship concerns

  • Shame

  • Limiting Beliefs

  • Performance issues

  • Adverse Religious Experiences


What is an Intensive Session Like?

In a brainspotting session, we work together to focus on a specific thought, feeling, or behavior that you want to address. We find a brain spot, or eye position, that connects you to a reaction in your mind or body. I'll also look for signs like blinking, swallowing, jaw tightness, or changes in breathing that you might not be aware of.

Once we find the spot, you pay attention to your thoughts, emotions, and body sensations. Some people talk about it, while others stay quiet. People often connect to other memories, feel different sensations, see images, or have changes in how they feel. It's normal to feel some discomfort because we have to "feel it to heal it." I'll be aware of your emotions and guide you through it. Most people feel less stressed by the end.

In brainspotting, unlike regular talk therapy, I won't give as many directions or point out connections you might not see. This helps your brain make its own connections with less interference. After brainspotting, we'll talk about the session and ways to integrate what came up during the Intensives. We’ll then schedule your post-intensive session to further explore your experiences.

You can read more about my experience with brainspotting here.

How do Brainspotting Therapy Intensives Work?


Consultation Call

A free 20 minute call where we will talk about what you’re coming in for, what you’re hoping to gain from the intensive, answer any questions you have, and determine if this is a good fit for you.

90 Minute Pre-Intensive Session

We’ll spend some time getting to know each other and building trust. We’ll gather background information on what you want to work on, clarify your goals, and practice some effective coping skills together. This will occur 1-2 weeks before your intensive.


Intensive Session

On session day, we’ll check in and answering any last minute questions. We’ll then spend 3-4.5 hours processing your concern through Brainspotting and some talk therapy. There will be time for breaks and post session prossessing.

Post-Intensive Session

We’ll schedule a 60-minute follow-up session 1-3 weeks later. During this session, we'll reflect on the shifts and changes you've experienced, identify any remaining work, and discuss strategies to integrate new insights into your life. Together, we'll create a personalized plan to guide your ongoing journey towards healing goals.


Investing in Your Healing

Four and Half Hour Intensive

90-minute Pre-Intensive Session

4.5 hours of therapy

Breaks for rest and verbal processing

60-minute Post-Intensive Session

Personalized after-care plan


Three Hour Intensive

90-minute Pre-Intensive Session

3 hours of therapy

Breaks for rest and verbal processing

60-minute Post-Intensive Session

Personalized after-care plan



 Ready to Move toward Faster Healing?

Frequently Asked Questions About Brainspotting Therapy Intensives

  • Let’s chat! You can request a free 20-minute consultation call to determine if you are a good fit for a Brainspotting Intensive.

    A Brainspotting Therapy Intensive is likely a good fit for you if you:

    *Have a specific goal in mind that you’d like to achieve.

    *Desire long-lasting results through a deeper form of treatment

    *Are looking for accelerated results.

    *Feel stuck in what you’re currently doing and are ready to try something different.

    If you are actively struggling with any of the following, then a Brainspotting Therapy Intensive is NOT a good fit: suicidal intent, substance use, self-harm, an eating disorder, hallucinations, or an unsafe living environment.

    If you’re still unsure if you’re a good fit for a Brainspotting Therapy Intensive, feel free to reach to out and we can discuss further. If you’re not a good fit, we can find other treatment options to help address these concerns before working up to an intensive.

  • Every person is different. During the initial consultation, we can talk about your specific situation. Sometimes, one intensive session will be enough. Sometimes we need more depending on the concern. If additional sessions are needed or wanted, we can discuss what that can look like. We are complex human beings and many things contribute to the cycles we get stuck in. I can help you decide what type of intensive expereince is best for you.

  • In-person Intensives can either be held in my Grand Rapids office or a location of your choosing within 30 miles of Grand Rapids (additional $50 travel fee). Intensives can also be conducted via telehealth to anyone located in Michigan.

  • Most insurance do not cover intensives. I’m happy to provide a superbill that you may submit to your insurance company for potential out-of-pocket reimbursement. This will require a diagnosis to be provided to the insurance company.

  • Absolutely! Brainspotting Intensive can be a nice addition to the work you are already doing with your therapist and can often accelerate that work afterward. I’m also happy to consult with your current therapist to ensure we’re all on the same page.

  • When I reserve time for your Intensive, I will be reserving the entire day for you. A 50% non-refundable deposit is due at the time of booking your intensive and the remaining 50% is due 1 week before the Pre-Intensive Session.

  • Sometimes life happens. If you need to reschedule your Intensive, please reach out to me as soon as possible. Rescheduling will not affect your deposit or payment. If you need to cancel entirely, please note that your initial deposit is non-refundable. Any cancellation within 1 weeks of the Pre-Intensive Session will result in full charge of the intensive program.

  • If you are already an established client, or you have already done one Brianspotting Intensive, the cost is $560 for a 3 hour intensive and $770 for a 4.5 hour intensive. This includes the time brainspotting and one 60-minute post-exposure processing session.

Find the healing you’re looking for so that you can move forward with the life you want!

Whole Self Counseling GR is committed to embracing and advocating for all individuals. We strive to be an inclusive and affirming space. We welcome and support every sexual orientation, gender identity, age, race, ethnicity, socioeconomic condition, all refugees and immigrants, those of all physical and mental abilities, all household compositions, and those of diverse spiritual backgrounds and beliefs.